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Seminar of Sample presentation in Poland

Warsaw, 24-03-2010

The meeting will see the share of numerous and relevant researchers coming from university and European centers of search that  in detail they will be present to the meeting.

The seminar will be an important moment of close examination and presentation of the anticipated activities previewed from SAMPLE project.

Particularly it will proceed exposing the methodology used,  the used tools realized with the purpose to apply the search on methodological and practical application of the model. The day will have widened from the presence of the CUSPI (Coordination of the Offices of Statistic of the Italian Provinces) that  will deepen the theme of the poverty and conditions of life: actual availability of data of official statistic, informative lacks, cognitive necessity and what the possibilities will be possibility of use to provincial and town level of the project SAMPLE. The presence besides of the DG Research will represent an important moment of widening of the perspective of dialogue introducing the possibilities of the research in europe countries.


EU-SILC International conference

Warsaw, 25-26 march 2010

This year the EU-SILC conference will take place in Warsaw  hosted by the  Central Statistical Office of Poland, is organised by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) and the Network for the analysis of EU-SILC (Net-SILC). Net-SILC is funded by Eurostat and consists of a group of researchers from 18 institutions using the comparative EU data source Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions ("EU-SILC"). The conference will stress on the development of methodologies for the analysis of the statistic data on the poverty in the European context and on the use of the data of EU-SILC to furnish one deepened comparative analysis of the incomes and the conditions of life in Europe. This methodology  will also contribute to the wider appreciation of  the uses that can be made of EU-SILC data in the context of the European Statistical System and the aim to "go beyond GDP" in assessing economic and social performance.



February 2010: beginning of stakeholders survey

Sample project assigns a strategic role to informal group, associations, public and third sector's organisations (called stakeholders) that realise actions against poverty in a wide and multidimensional meaning.

In Pisa province we selected 690 stakeholders and we sent them a questionnaire that may be compiled on line.

The survey has 5 aims:

  1. Achieving their point of view on the poverty level because they are priviliged observation points. The questionnaire contains specific questions about their perception on the intensity of poverty and about changes over time (considering current economic crisis)
  2. Achieving their point of view on the importance of main poverty indicators. The questionnaire contains the reference, with a simple language, to Laeken  indicators and to indicators used in EU-SILC
  3. Knowing their information system and any arrangements for storing and managing informations in their possession.
  4. Receiving their proposal and observations on politics and actions against poverty
  5. Involving them in the construction of the Observation System to monitor poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion


If you want to know in real-time statistics on completed questionnaires click here.


If you are an association, an informal group or an institution of Pisa province and you want to be included in the survey click here and you'll receive a mail with instructions



La Provincia di Pisa partecipa al Comitato di Presidenza CUSPI

Bologna, 13 gennaio 2010

In occasione della riunione del Comitato di Presidenza di CUSPI, la Provincia di Pisa è stata invitata a partecipare per illustrare il Progetto Sample.
Il CUSPI (Coordinamento degli Uffici di Statistica delle Province Italiane) è un organismo tecnico, ad adesione volontaria, operante nell'ambito dell'Unione delle Province d'Italia (UPI), con sede a Roma. La sua finalità è soddisfare gli obiettivi informativi e statistici dei suoi membri e collaborare con gli enti che fanno parte del Sistema Statistico Nazionale (SISTAN) e con altri organismi simili, anche di altri paesi, al fine di favorire, sviluppare e divulgare le analisi statistiche, le attività culturali e di ricerca nel campo informativo e statistico, per le autonomie locali.
Le province presenti, tra cui Rovigo, Roma, Pesaro, Urbino, Cremona, Rimini, Asti, Reggio Calabria appartenenti al Comitato di Presidenza CUSPI, si sono mostrate molto interessate alla presentazione del progetto soprattutto sull'aspetto della possibile esportabilità del modello di sviluppo individuato dalla progettualità di SAMPLE.
La Provincia di Pisa ha come obiettivo finale la costruzione di un Sistema permanente di monitoraggio della povertà e delle situazioni di vulnerabilità e di esclusione sociale a supporto delle politiche locali. La costruzione di tale sistema sarà possibile grazie alla selezione e coinvolgimento, attraverso un'indagine (Delphi Method), di stakeolders locali, quali soggetti appartenenti al terzo settore, organizzazioni istituzionali e non, e dalla definizione di accordi formali con essi.
Alla conclusione dell'indagine saranno previsti degli incontri, tra cui uno con il Comitato di Presidenza CUSPI, in cui saranno illustrati i risultati della rilevazione.



Caritas involvement in Sample project

Caritas is one of the most important third sector organisations for its considerable Poverty Observatory Network database and for its counselling and distribution centres net involved in the fight against poverty (more then 200 centres in Tuscany region).

In Sample Project the collaboration with Caritas is planned to realize WP 3 - Task 3.2 "Indicators from Third Sector's data and observations" and Task 3.4 "Observation System to monitor poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion and to develop WP 1 - Task 1.4 "Indicators for Local Government".

In October UROPS developed the relationship with the three Caritas Dioceses of the province: Pisa, San Miniato and Volterra.

Particularly during the two meetings of the 8th October and 3rd November with Caritas directors and collaborators, the following objectives were reached:

-        to share the text of the Formal Agreement Protocol prepared by UROPS in which Caritas permit it to have access to Net MIROD (Diocesan Observatories Network) data related its Dioceses (WP3 -Task 3.2);

-        to confirm the Caritas Counseling Centers operators collaboration to realize the survey about poverty and vulnerability through the filling in of the questionnaire on the perception of the local poverty and on use of measuring indicators for poverty (WP1-Task 1.4);

-        to declare the Caritas interest and willingness to realize with UROPS a permanent Observation System to monitor poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion in the province.

Caritas directors and collaborators analyzed non institutional stakeholders list prepared by UROPS (354 stakeholders) and recommended the inclusion of all their Counseling Centers and Distribution Centers. Furthermore they suggested to include in the list a few new subjects as associations and parishes and they gave UROPS the contact person, telephone and e-mail address.

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