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Work Packages 6

WP 6: Information, dissemination of results.

One of the first actions at the beginning of the project is to work out the plan for the use and dissemination of the Foreground by the members of the Consortium Agreement. The common goal of the consortium is to disseminate the results of the project (Foreground) within the research community in a meaningful way. This will be achieved firstly by encouraging discussions among public actors and by presenting results in ways that will be useful to policymakers at various levels (that is: international, national, regional and sub-regional level).
As for the plan for the use and dissemination of foreground, the Consortium Agreement will rule procedures, relationships, activities for the dissemination of the results of the project and the obligations of each party. The Consortium Agreement will also outline in detail all issues relating to the timing of dissemination, approval, relationship with publishers of scientific journals, notification procedures, protection of intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, information procedures and document submission towards the Commission. Appropriate steps will be taken to safeguard the legitimate interests of the owner(s) of the foreground.
The Communication Plan will point out all the activities to be done for the presentation of the research project stages and results among public and different stakeholders. Moreover, the Communication Plan activities aim to enable a wider audience to take part in the research project and to put it in contact with similar ongoing or closed projects dealing with the same research subject. The main instruments are: Project web site, Organization of events, Publications production.
Responsible for the Communication Plan is the Province of Pisa European Policy and International Affairs Office. To be a Local Authority will make possible using the results direcly on the Municipalities of the Province and so proving their worth.
It is envisaged that there will be three main events: at the beginning of the project, at middle stage and at the end of the project. In order to minimize project costs and in line with the principle of economy, the principal public events will coincide with the Consortium meetings: time will be made both for internal scientific and administrative/financial issues. The opening event will be preceded by local events managed by the local partnership to make policy makers, institutions and citizens aware of the goals and activities of the project. Its prime goal will be that of presenting the project to a targeted international group. A middle stage event will be organized to present the intermediate results of the pilot project, while the final conference represents the closing session with the presentation of the achieved results and the foreground of the project. Additional meetings and conference presentations will be organised at local and international level on specific project related themes.
The project foreground will also take the form of publications related to the project. This will include publications in peer reviewed scientific journals, other reports related to the progress of the project, working papers and newsletters.
In addition, the methodologies and the results of the project will be disseminated via the participation of project members in international conferences, the delivery of regular presentations in seminar series of Universities and Government organisations (for example, seminars in National Statistical Institutes and Local Government Agencies) and the organisation of specialised sessions as part of major international conferences.




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