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February 2010: beginning of stakeholders survey

Sample project assigns a strategic role to informal group, associations, public and third sector's organisations (called stakeholders) that realise actions against poverty in a wide and multidimensional meaning.

In Pisa province we selected 690 stakeholders and we sent them a questionnaire that may be compiled on line.

The survey has 5 aims:

  1. Achieving their point of view on the poverty level because they are priviliged observation points. The questionnaire contains specific questions about their perception on the intensity of poverty and about changes over time (considering current economic crisis)
  2. Achieving their point of view on the importance of main poverty indicators. The questionnaire contains the reference, with a simple language, to Laeken  indicators and to indicators used in EU-SILC
  3. Knowing their information system and any arrangements for storing and managing informations in their possession.
  4. Receiving their proposal and observations on politics and actions against poverty
  5. Involving them in the construction of the Observation System to monitor poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion


If you want to know in real-time statistics on completed questionnaires click here.


If you are an association, an informal group or an institution of Pisa province and you want to be included in the survey click here and you'll receive a mail with instructions






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