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FONDO NAZIONALE PER LE POLITICHE SOCIALI the National Fund for social policies (FNPS) is the national source of dedicated funding for the assistance to individuals and families, and also takes care of the following tasks: Definition of methodologies for the analysis of social demand aimed at a wider knowledge of needs on the ground; Analysis of the poverty in Italy; Analysis of the impact of federalism on the social policies.
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LA COMMISSIONE DI INDAGINE SULL'ESCLUSIONE SOCIALE (CIES) the Commission of Inquiry about social exclusion(CIES), established by Article 27 of Law on November 8, 2000, n. 328, is tasked to carry out, also in connection with similar initiatives within the European Union, research and surveys necessary for investigations on poverty and in Italy, to promote their knowledge in institutions and in public opinion, to make suggestions for the causes and consequences of promoting assessments on the phenomena of social exclusion.
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ISTAT the National Institute of Statistics (Istat) has been working since 1926 as the main supplier of official statistical information in Italy. It collects and produces information on Italian economy and society and made it available for study and decision-making purpose. An importatn section of website concern poverty and consumptions.
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CNEL (CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELL'ECONOMIA E DEL LAVORO) The National Council of Economy and Labour (CNEL) is a constitutional body. The matters within its competence are the social and economic legislation. It is a consultative body of the Government, the Chambers and the Regions, and is entitled to legislate limited to matters within its competence.
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ISAE it carries out business and consumer surveys; provides quarterly and annual macroeconomic forecasts; supplies both national and international short-, medium- and long-term economic analyses as well as macro- and microeconomic studies on public finance and on measures to prompt social and territorial cohesion; examines the economic policies attained through regulation rather than through the public budget, analyses the complex dynamics of sustainable development in its environmental, economic and social aspects.
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CENSIS (CENTRO STUDI INVESTIMENTI SOCIALI) It’s a socio-economic research institute founded in 1964. It plays an ongoing study activities, counselling, assessment and proposal in the vital sectors of social reality, like training, work, welfare, territorial networks, environment, economy, local and urban development, communication and culture.
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FONDAZIONE “EMANUELA ZANCAN†It is a centre of study, research and experimentation that works in social policies, health, educational, welfare systems and services to people. It carries out its activities thanks to the collaboration of many scholars and experts Italians and foreigners. Collaborate with state bodies, regions, provinces, health care companies, municipalities and universities.It is a centre of study, research and experimentation that works in social policies, health, educational, welfare systems and services to people. It carries out its activities thanks to the collaboration of many scholars and experts Italians and foreigners. Collaborate with state bodies, regions, provinces, health care companies, municipalities and universities.
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IRPET the Institute of Regional Economic Planning of Tuscany is a public research institute on issues of the population and the labour market, the efficiency and efficacy of public services, the openness of the Tuscan economy to international markets, the evolution of the industrial districts in Italy. More recently, it has started work to interpret the sectors of the environment, agriculture, the cultural economy and social and political institutions.
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ISTITUTO “GUGLIELMO TAGLIACARNE†it promotes economic culture, realizes analysis, economic and statistical studies on small and medium enterprises. It organizes training courses for Chambers of Commerce, Public Administration and Local Authorities, entrepreneurs, managers and graduates.
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OSSERVATORIO SULL'INCLUSIONE SOCIALE (OIS) The OIS carries out research in the field of the social exclusion, paying particular attention to new problems arising from cultural changes, the processes of economic globalisation and emerging social needs.
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CARITAS is the pastoral body of Cei (Italian Episcopal Conference) for the promotion of charity. It has an educational function for spreading the Christian sense of solidarity among people, households and communities. In its ongoing commitment to training and information, Caritas annually proposes a programme divided into courses, conferences, seminars and study deeper. It has also the Observatory of Poverty and Resources (OPR): an instrument of pastoral care to observe the reality, with a preferential love for the poor. It has to understand the mutations of the social conditions and to suggest in advance to the ecclesial and civil community some ways to reduce the risk of poverty. In Tuscany Region there is a specific section ( Caritas della Toscana ) for activities at local level.
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CILAP it’s the Italian section of EAPN. It’s association non-profit since 1992 and it promotes, spreads and deepens the issues relating to European policies to combat poverty and social exclusion. The Cilap takes special attention to programmes and funds that the European Union puts in for these purposes, procedures for access, the role of local actors, both public and private and activation of these programmes in the territories of belonging.
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